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Faculty of Human Ecology

Faculty of Human Ecology is committed to make an excellence and quality in comprehensive education and integrated in the field of Human Ecology through teaching, research, professional and community services for graduates who recognize and fulfill their responsibilities towards Creator and role of self in the welfare, family, society and environment.


Bachelor of Human Development Science with Honours

1.Bachelor of Human Development Science with Management (Honours)

2.Bachelor of Human Development Science with Information Technology (Honours)

3.Bachelor of Consumer Studies with Honours

4.Bachelor of Music with Honours

Postgraduate(Master & Doctor / PHD):

Reserch(Fields of Study)(M.Sc/PhD):

1.Community Development 

2.Consumer Science 

3.Developmental Psychology 

4.Family Ecology 

5.Family Economics and Management 

6.Gender and Development 

7.Housing Studies 

8.Human Development 


10.Philosophy and Civilization Studies 

11.Politics and Government 

12.Psychology of Child Development 

13.Social Psychology

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Faculty of Computer Science And Information Technology
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School of Business and Economics
Faculty of Educational Studies
Faculty of Engineering
Faculty of Forestry and Environment
Faculty of Food Science and Technology
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
Faculty of Modern Languages and Communication
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Faculty of Biotechnology & Biomolecular Sciences
Faculty of Human Ecology
Faculty of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences(UPMKB)
Faculty of Humanities, Management and Science(UPMKB)
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